'Blindfolded Jelly Belly Challenge | Food Review UK'

15:19 Sep 28, 2022
'MJ tries to capture the original 50 flavours of Jelly Belly (but only manages to locate 41 random flavours) but he gives the blindfolded Jelly Belly challenge an attempt anyway! Here is how he got on.... ►My Comedy : http://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonComedy ► My Movie Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQ3rZXwS6quktVPLojG7dg ►My Gaming : http://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonGaming ►My VLOG : http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelJamiesonsLife ►ReZ Daily : http://www.youtube.com/c/ReZourcemanDaily  ►T-Shirts : http://foodreviewuk.spreadshirt.co.uk ►Website - - - http://www.FoodReviewUK.com ►Twitter - - - - http://www.twitter.com/FoodReviewUK  ►Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/frukgram ►MJ\'s Instagram - - http://www.instagram.com/rezourceman' 

Tags: Test , Food , challenge , funny , review , belly , cool , uk , epic , awesome , fail , jelly , epic fail , blindfolded , beans , Food Review UK , blindfolded challenge , jelly belly , jelly beans , Food Review UK Challenges , Blindfolded Jelly Belly Challenge , Jelly Belly Challenge , 50 flavours , 50 flavors , The Jelly Belly Candy Company (Business Operation)

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